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Kids Zone

Fun! - What It's All About

Kids Zone®

The national media has focused on the negative, even violent, behavior of players, coaches and parents involved in youth sports. As part of AYSO's education agenda, Kids Zone® is a dynamic program targeted to eliminate negative sideline behavior. It is aimed toward producing a thoroughly positive impact on everyone involved in youth soccer. To execute this program, three basic elements are involved:

  • The Button. This is a pin-on button bearing the program's logo. This will be worn by program supporters at games, and will serve as a reminder of the importance of positive sideline behavior.
  • The Sign. A large sign, which lists positive behavior standards, will be posted at the entrance of participating fields. Parents and spectators who will abide by these standards are welcome - all others are not.
  • The Pledge. We request AYSO parents to sign a pledge that holds them to the Kids Zone® standards.

    As a support to these elements, we also have a special Kids Zone® Promise. It's a simple pledge, but we encourage all AYSO members to consider these words: 

    I promise to Honor the Game. I will respect all participants, encourage good sportsmanship and keep soccer fun. 

    Finally, we encourage all AYSO members to help Kids Zone® grow. Let your region know that you support Kids Zone®. AYSO depends on you to keep youth soccer safe, fun and fair. So spread the word! 

Play It Safe

Safety is a big part of keeping things fun. Here are few safety tips to keep in mind:


Advise your child never to leave a practice or game alone. Walk with a buddy whenever possible.

Goal Posts

NEVER let your children play on soccer goals. Portable goals have been known to tip over when people play on them, resulting in serious injury and even death.

Code Word

If you normally pick your child up from the field, but have to send someone else, use a code word. That way, if someone comes up and says "Your mother sent me to pick you up," but they don't have the code word you and your child have established, your child knows not to go with the stranger.

Contact Us

Morton Grove AYSO Region 794

P.O. Box 64 
Morton Grove, Illinois 60053

Email Us: [email protected]